Saturday, July 25, 2020

Saturday Snippet: You Got Money for That, Sugar?

The following snippet is taken from
Mail Order Lorena
Book 17 in the series,
Widows, Brides & Secret Babies

          Eustace jerked his head away from her touch. “As delectable as you are, Fancy, I’m still not interested in sampling your charms. Your time would be spent better going after some other man.”
          “Now, sugar, that’s no way to talk to Fancy. You know I only want what’s best for you.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “You know our cook you keep watching whenever she comes out in the room? You willing to help her, sugar?”
          Eustace tensed. What is this woman up to? He studied her with hooded eyes and lowered his voice. “Depends.”
          Fancy ran her fingertip along his left jaw as she spoke softly in his right ear. “I need you to order a peach brandy. You got the money for that, sugar?”

.....    “Clyde doesn’t keep his peach brandy out front. He only has a few bottles—for special occasions. They’re locked away in his storeroom. I need to get in there to look for something he’s keeping from Lorena. First, I have to get the key from him.”
          Eustace sensed the woman’s words held truth. He felt his body prepare for a mission. “I’m listening.”
          She rose to her feet. While Fancy trailed her fingers along his chest and across the back of his neck, she slowly moved to his side and leaned over until her lips reached his other ear. “Now, sugar, you see how Rosa and Sabrina are both working on two men to take upstairs? I need to wait until they call Clyde over and get him busy making financial arrangements. That’s when I’ll ask him for the key.”
          Eustace held his body still and his face expressionless, but his mind raced. Whatever is going on, both of the others are in on it.

To find the book description and purchase link for Mail Order Lorena, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Two of my three books in the Widows, Brides and Secret Babies series have been published. Mail Order Penelope is currently on preorder and scheduled for release August 14. Click on the book titles for the book links for all three books:

Mail Order Roslyn                    Mail Order Lorena

Friday, July 17, 2020

Saturday Snippet: She Studied the Man Once More

 The following snippet is taken from
Mail Order Lorena
Book 17 in the series,
Widows, Brides & Secret Babies

         Fancy flicked an eyebrow upward and offered a knowing smile. “Well?”
          Lorena studied the man once more.
          Just then, the man Fancy called Mr. Cantrell lifted his gaze until it connected with Lorena’s.
          Lorena’s breath caught. She felt a connection, the kind that had not stirred her since she first met Edward. Heat flooded her face, and the hand holding her teacup began to tremble. She feared she might end up with more of the beverage in her saucer than the cup. No, this cannot be right. He is not Edward.

 Mail Order Lorena is now available for purchase. You will find the book description by CLICKING HERE.

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Saturday Snippet: Which Problem? I Have So Many

The following snippet is taken from
Mail Order Lorena
Book 17 in the series,
Widows, Brides & Secret Babies

          Lorena looked up and blinked. “My problem?” Which one? I have so many.
          “You know, sugar, the one with your mail. You said Clyde gave you two letters he’s been holding, but you’re pretty sure you should have received more mail, right?”
          “Yes. I’m almost positive.” Surely, I would have heard from at least one of the men I wrote to. Even if they did not think me a suitable match as a wife, I would think they would have had the courtesy to write back and say they made other arrangements.
          “There’s a man out there. He doesn’t come in very often, but he’s been here a few times. He used to come Friday nights, but the last two times he’s come on Sundays. Sits at the bar and nurses a whiskey or two, and then he leaves. We’ve all tried to get him upstairs, but he doesn’t want any part of us.”
          Lorena blinked and shook her head. Could Fancy be talking about the mystery man with the deep Southern accent? He caught her attention one late afternoon when, while she delivered clean glasses to Al, he asked for a drink. She recalled feeling her breath catch when she glanced at him. He struck her as being so ruggedly handsome, it had taken all her willpower not to openly stare. “It sounds like he can’t be bothered with anyone but himself. Why do you think he would help me?” Afraid her face might betray her interest, she dipped her head as she sipped tea from her cup.
          Fancy broke into a knowing smile. “I’ve seen him watching you, sugar. I know you avoid looking at the customers, but that doesn’t stop a few of them following your every move when you go up front. He’s one of them who shrugs us off but keeps his eyes glued on you whenever you walk by.”

 Mail Order Lorena is now available for purchase. You will find the book description by CLICKING HERE.

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