Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday Snippet: And, My Stubborn Son, I Know You

My book, The Bavarian Jeweler, is now available on Amazon both for purchase or free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription. For a short time, copies may be obtained without cost on the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog. Click on the book cover in the right sidebar and follow the Book Funnel links. While you are at the blog, please sign up to follow it by email or Networked Blogs.

“You will be a success, no matter where you go. And, my stubborn son, I know you. I am also aware of how oppressive the guilds can be in the name of preserving our crafts. And then there is your brother, Heinrich. It is his shop, but you do not do well at being second in command. You would have constantly chafed at following your brother’s decisions, and you would have chafed at the intrusion and demands of the guild.”

His teeth clenched, Wilhelm leaned back and stared at his father. He dared not say a word to contradict him. What his father said was true.

The senior Heinrich softened his voice as he continued. “I have talked to those who have lived for years in America. They assure me it is not the same there. In America, you will not have the safety net of a guild, but neither will you be under their domination. You can build your business how you see fit. You are my one son I do not fear turning loose in the world to make your way on your own.”

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