Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday Snippet: You Could Do Worse Than Her

The following snippet is taken from 
Mail Order Roslyn 
Book 9 in the series, 
Widows, Brides & Secret Babies
My next book in this series is about Lorena, a character mentioned in this novel. Here is a snippet about Lorena:
          “That will put us in a bind, Mrs. Welsh. None of the rest of us know how to cook.”
          Danny leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “Eustace, you could marry Lorena. She seems nice enough, and you spend enough time in town with her after you get paid.”
          Eustace turned to Danny with a gimlet eye. “Where I come from, gentlemen might spend time with a woman like Lorena, but they don’t marry those kinds of women.” He spoke as if explaining a difficult concept to a child.
          Danny shrugged. “She’s from the South, too, Eustace. Like you, a lot of Southern women have fallen on hard times because of the war. Find out if she can cook. If she can, you could do worse than her.”  

To find the book description and purchase link for Mail Order Roslyn, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Both of my other two books in the Widows, Brides & Secret Babies series are now available on preorder. Here are the links:

Mail Order Lorena - CLICK HERE

Mail Order Penelope - CLICK HERE 


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