Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Snippet: Confounded Woman

 The following snippet is taken from
Mail Order Penelope
Book 23 in the series,
Widows, Brides & Secret Babies

          Rather than peer through the window to assess what he would find inside, he jerked the door open and stepped forward. His gaze was drawn to a man sprawled across the forward-facing bench. Sitting on the center bench, Mrs. Humphrey bent over him and held a white cloth to his arm.
          “You’ve got wounded in here? Move aside, Mrs. Humphry and let me take a look.” Marcus placed his foot on the metal rod that served as a step as he prepared to enter the coach. He quickly realized Mrs. Humphry had not moved one inch. He might as well have not spoken. The only indication she heard him was the ripple in her jaw muscles and the tightening of the skin around her eyes.
          Without looking at him, Mrs. Humphry snapped out a response with what he recognized as an irritated tone. “Not now, Captain. I’m busy.”
          In dead silence, Marcus clenched his back teeth and stared at her. So much for a hysterically crying woman crumpled on the floor. He was the surgeon. He was the expert. He was an officer and was accustomed to being obeyed. Yet, she dismissed him as irrelevant. Confounded woman.

 Please click on the book title to find the book link for Mail Order Penelope.


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