Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday Snippet: She Intended to Stay and Talk

The following snippet is taken from

Two Sisters and the Christmas Groom 

Train Wreck in Jubilee Springs, Book 1


          “I’ve a bit of extra time this morning, and I’m needing to learn more about the train schedule. I’m hoping my sister will be arriving in the next few weeks.”

          Garland nodded in acknowledgement. “Ah, yes. If I recall, that would be the Miss Flanagan who has been writing to Mr. O’Hare, correct?”

          “You’ve a good memory, Mr….sorry I am, but I’ve been learning so many new names this past month…”

          “McAllister. Garland McAllister. No need to apologize. It was the s-same for me when I first arrived here.” He inwardly sighed with resignation as he realized that, with the way Annie Flanagan tipped her head and studied him, she intended to stay and talk awhile.


Two Sisters and the Christmas Groom is available for sale or for no additional cost with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. To find the book description and purchase link, please CLICK HERE.

The above book was Book 18 in the Sweethearts of Jubilee Springs series. I have since pulled it and Book 19, Nathan's Nurse, out to combine them with my upcoming release, Kate's Railroad Chef, to form the Train Wreck in Jubilee Springs series.

Kate's Railroad Chef is now available for preorder and will be released on January 12th. Please CLICK HERE to read the book description and find the preorder link.


  1. It sounds like a Great read, and I love the book cover. Have a Great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Alicia. I also was pleased with how the book cover turned out. I hope you enjoy the book.


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