Saturday, January 22, 2022

Saturday Snippet: A Man Gave You This Necklace?

The following snippet is taken from 

Hannah's Lieutenant 

An Atwell Kin Boxset

by Zina Abbott


          “He? A man gave you this necklace?” Andrew reached over and picked up the locket resting beneath her throat, allowing the light to reflect off it as he moved his fingers.

        Hannah leaned away from him, pulling the locket off his hand. “A friend.”


       Hannah smiled and shrugged. “It’s none of your concern, and I’d rather not talk about it.” Why Hannah felt reluctant to divulge Jake’s name, or that she professed a desire to spend the rest of her life with him, she did not know. It’s because even though I don’t like what he did tonight, I find Andrew Call attractive.

          Andrew drew her closer several inches. “I care for you, Hannah. Why do you think I wished to kiss you? Tell me the name of the man who gave you the necklace.”

          Hannah felt something release inside her. He cares for me? Although she found the way he maneuvered her so that he could kiss her to be uncomfortable, she felt relieved to know it was because he had feelings for her, not that he was teasing her for his own entertainment. “It’s Lt. Burdock. When he knew he would be assigned to the frontier, he asked if I would write to him. I agreed.”




The box set, Hannah's Lieutenant, is now available in ebook. To find the book description and link, please CLICK HERE.





Hannah's Lieutenant, is also available as a paperbook. To find the book description and link, 

 please CLICK HERE.

My next book that is now on preorder is

Abilene Gamble.

It is part of my own series, Gamble on Judgment.

To find the book description and purchase link for Abilene Gamble, please CLICK HERE.



 Mail Order Roslyn is currently on sale for 99c as part of the 

Secret Baby Romance - SQUEAKY CLEAN promotion.


Would you like to know more about my upcoming books, including the cover reveal for my second book in the Gamble on Judgment series? If so, and you do not already subscribe, please sign up to receive my newsletter.










1 comment:

  1. Wow, it sounds very intriguing,, thank you for sharing about it. Have a great weekend and stay safe. aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)net


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