The following snippet is taken from
The Lady Lassoes an Outlaw by Charlene Raddon,
one of nine stories found in the
Under a Mulberry Moon anthology:
Under a Mulberry Moon anthology:
“You dig anymore in this grave, and
I'll be forced to arrest you.” The marshal shook his head. “I'd like to help
you Miss Cavender, but without proof...”
“Arrggh!” She threw up her arms. “Why
am I wasting my time? I need to find Jason. He needs me.” Turning, she stomped
back towards town.
“Miss Cavender,” Marshal Johnson
called after her.
She stopped and watched him hurry
to catch up, his elbow thrust out from his pudgy body like chicken wings, one
hand still carrying the shovel.
“Tell me you aren't planning to do
something crazy like go after that gang,” he said. “You have no idea the danger
you'd be placing yourself in. This country ’round here is crawling with killers,
thieves and rapists.”
She planted her fists on her hips. “Well,
someone needs to do something, and, obviously, it's up to me since no one else
will believe Jason's alive. Yet.”
He lifted his hands and let them drop
to his sides. “I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. Wouldn't usually recommend a
young lady go traveling about in these parts, but if you're so determined, take
the stage to Wilsonville and talk to folks there. Maybe that will convince you.”
“Not likely.” She aimed once more for
the town. The marshal followed at a slower Pace, huffing and puffing.
Muttering to herself, Aurora went
straight to the hotel and gathered up her things. The stage for Wilsonville
would be leaving in 20 minutes. She must be on it.
To "friend" and follow Charlene Raddon on Facebook, please CLICK HERE.
The next snippet is taken from
Millwright's Daughter by Zina Abbott,
found in the Under a Mulberry Moon anthology:

Phoebe faced forward
and pressed her lips together. After several seconds, she reluctantly answered.
“There was some mail for your uncle, but nothing for you.”
Eliza’s shoulders
slumped with disappointment and she turned to face forward. “I wonder why I
haven’t heard from my grandmother. Even if she isn’t recovered yet, surely she
could ask someone else to answer my letters.”
To sign up for Zina Abbott's monthly newsletter, please CLICK HERE.
Under a Mulberry Moon
is still available at its pre-order price of 99 cents. Get it before it resumes its regular price of $2.99. To
read the full book description and purchase this book, please CLICK HERE.
Great snippet, Zina. But then it's a great story. I enjoyed it very much