The following snippet is taken from
Book 2 in the Atwell Kin series:
sound of an additional horse riding up fast from the direction from which she
had come ratcheted her anxiety to the next level.
Whoever it was, she did not want to
deal with anyone else. She scrambled into the saddle as quickly as Sugarcone
would allow her. “You don’t need to know. All I know is I am getting away from
here as fast as I can to find help to protect my family from the Indians. I
hope you keep traveling right into their path.” She spun Sugarcone in place as
she pointed to Tucker passed out on the ground. “If they kill and scalp any of
you, make sure he’s the first one.”
Leander Jones moved so quickly she
didn’t see him until he stood next to Sugarcone, the reins beneath Sugarcone’s
chin gripped tightly in his hands. “That’s rather harsh, miss. Now, I know
you’re upset and have every right to be. You don’t need to tell me your name if
you aren’t so inclined. However, I’ve been sent along to guard this freight
train knowing we will soon be entering a large stretch of desolate prairie
where we might run across hostile Indian tribes angry with whites encroaching
on their hunting grounds. Please tell me what you know about any Indian attacks
in the area.”
Kizzie's Kisses is currently on sale for 99c for this weekend only. Please CLICK HERE for the book description and purchase link.
Kizzie's Kisses is also part of the multi-author series, Grandma's Wedding Quilts and joins with several Lockets & Lace multi-series books to be part of my own Atwell Kin series. Below is how the Atwell Kin series lines up. The next book in the Atwell Kin series, Hannah's Handkerchief, is now on preorder, please CLICK HERE.
Kizzie's Kisses is also part of a Historical Romances sale that ends with the weekend. For other historical romances on sale at a great price, please CLICK HERE.

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