Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Snippet: She struggled to Recall Exactly What Happened

The following snippet is taken from

Kate's Railroad Chef 

Train Wreck in Jubilee Springs Book 3  

 (Also, Book 20 in Sweethearts of Jubilee Springs)

          Kate struggled to recall exactly what happened before she blacked out and came to with the throbbing pain in the front of her head. The three women had shared a picnic lunch Lizett brought. Then Dahlia pulled a book from her carpetbag to read. With no book of her own to help her pass the time, Kate offered to take turns with Dahlia if her seatmate wished to read out loud. They had done so until Dahlia chose to look at the scenery outside the window instead. As rare as books had been in her life, Kate had not been willing to pass up the opportunity to read while she could. She continued to read as Dahlia adjusted her carpetbag to serve as a pillow so she could rest.

          The screech of the brakes and jerk of the coach heralded the impending disaster. Kate felt her entire body thrown forward. Still holding the book with both hands, she threw up her forearms, which hit the back of the bench in front of her. Her head then connected with her arms, and her entire body slid forward. Bracing her feet in front of her was all that kept her from being thrown to the floor.

Kate's Railroad Chef is now available on Amazon. Please CLICK HERE to find the book description and purchase link.


I will be sharing more about this book during a Facebook event sponsored by Christian Sweet-n-Clean Book Launches group. The event itself will be on the group itself, which you may find by 


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