The following snippet is taken from
Loving Lila
Thanksgiving Brides, Book 1
by Zina Abbott
However, it was the man who also stood
in the space behind the rear-facing bench that caught David’s interest and
prompted him to clench his jaw and his muscles to tighten. David recognized him
as the loud-mouth braggart who had also boarded in Chicago. The man—a
drummer—had let it be known to all in the coach he sold women’s and children’s
readymade clothing and shoes to retail stores between Chicago and San
Francisco. Repeatedly attempting to strike up conversations with multiple
passengers, he made a nuisance of himself the entire way to Iowa City. He was
the reason David had given in to the children’s begging to leave the train long
enough to buy a late breakfast from one of the vendors along the tracks—anything
to get away from the idiot for a few minutes. Before I lost my temper and plowed my fist into the mouth he does not
know how to keep shut.
The thought crossed David’s mind that, in Chicago, once the drummer caught sight of the three young children, he had offered the family a disparaging snort before moving to the opposite end of the coach. Now, not only was the drummer still on the train, but he had returned to the forward end of the coach and appeared to focus his pestering on the new passenger. Lecher.
“The seats on these coaches are not assigned, Paul.” David leaned over to speak quietly to the boy. “We will need to find new places to sit.”
“But this is our spot, David. Look! The bag Grandma Beavers packed for us is still here.” Nan stomped a foot as she pointed toward the overhead rack.
David’s gaze followed the direction of his sister’s pointing finger. He quickly glanced at the drummer, who now eyed him with contempt and a hint of a warning. He allowed his gaze to flitter over the young woman, who now focused on Nan. She is dressed in mourning clothes. Someone close to her has died. She does not need to deal with a man trying to seduce her. He made his decision. “So it is, Nan. We have company on our benches, but we’ll just squeeze in a little tighter so we all fit. I’m sure she won’t mind. Paul, it is your turn to sit next to the window. Ruth can sit next to me, and Nan will sit on my lap.” David guided Paul toward the front-facing bench as he released the boy’s hand. He next allowed the strap his stepmother had sewn onto his carpetbag to slide off his shoulder and down his arm. He tossed it on the rack next to the children’s bag.
Loving Lila, Book 1 in the Thanksgiving Brides series is on pre-order and scheduled for release on October 10th. To find the book description and link, Please CLICK HERE
Bee Sting Cake by Brunhilde, Book 12 in the Old Timey Holiday Kitchen series has been released and is now available for purchase as an ebook. It is also available at no additional cost with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. It will be available in paperback soon. To find the book description and link, please CLICK HERE
Another book I have scheduled for release in October is Ellie, book 13 in the Runaway Brides of the West series. To find the book description and pre-order link for Ellie, please CLICK HERE.

For the book description and link, please
To find the book description and link, please
Please check out this multi-author promotion:
Squeaky Clean Runaway Brides Romance
Includes my book, ELLIE-Runaway Brides of the West
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